Tuesday, May 27, 2014

05.26.2014 Email

Hola familia y amigos!! Te amo todas mucho! (idk if thats right so don't judge if it's wrong)

   Anyways. Yes, I got to Arizona safely. I love it!! We actually almost missed our flight but that is a very long story and i don't have time to tell it so lo siento! 

   The first night we stayed with a family in the ward and then we met our companions the next morning! I was way scared to meet my companion, her name is Hermana Thomas. But she is so awesome, like seriously i love her so much! I am so glad she is my companion. We are exactly alike i swear, we have so much fun together. Also, she knows Mckenzie Mortensen because she went to Springville High for two years. Small world! 

   So our area is actually in Tempe, but we are living in Mesa, not exactly sure why. It's super weird, and we are a biking area, sad i know:(  So every single morning we have to strap up our bikes on the car and drive all the way over there, then unstrap them and ride our bikes, then strap them back up. It's super annoying and we are really bad at it so it's takes us like literally 30 minutes. Not even kidding. It's actually really funny, i can just imagine what other people are thinking as they drive by and see these to girls struggling SO bad to get their bikes up. And no one stops and helps! Also, i poked a hole in my skirt, the first day! because one of the bikes got caught on it. But i think we've pretty much gotten it down now. It takes us about 15 minutes now. Not bad!

   So this area we are in is a new area they just split, so we are basically white washing. We know a few members from the ward, and there are a couple investigators in this area, but we have been knocking on A LOT of doors. That's basically what we do every day. But its okay because it really hasn't been that hot yet, and a lot of people are really nice and give us water. It's the best!

   My first night out we had dinner with some members, and my companion made me share the spiritual thought! I was dying and i hope they could understand what i was saying because on top of barely knowing spanish my heart was like beating out of my chest. But my comp makes me speak spanish all the time! ALWAYS!!. We speak spanish all the time and it is so hard! But it's weird, everyone here loves white girls that can't speak spanish. Not kidding! I have said so many freaking prayers guys. Every single type of anything where there is a prayer involved they choose me to say the prayer.I guess they just like listening to me speak because they think it's funny! Thats what my comp said. So awesome. 
   But we do have one investigator-- kind of. His name is Reymundo, and I have a really good feeling about him. I think he will eventually get baptized! We met with him and pretty much just talked about faith and why its important to act on faith. And he totally agreed with everything we were saying, he was like teaching us even! He also said that he loves meeting with us and people from our church because we are always so nice and happy, and he wants that for himself! We invited him to this baptism that one of the other missionaries had, he went and he loved it! He wants us to come by every day to teach him. The only problem is he has a hard time getting to church. which is really sad. But he's really our only investigator at the moment.
   We have eaten some awesome meals though--kinda. We ate at this members house on saturday. Super nice people. They gave us enchiladas. And they were pretty good, but super hot,  and they gave us SO much. Seriously guys I don't think I have ever eaten so much in my entire life! And about half way through the meal I ran out of meat and i didn't want to grab more so I just decided I would eat the plain tortillas. Well big mistake, that was the part that was hot! So i was basically just killing myself! And for the drink they had horchata. which is so deliciously yummy I was so excited. Okay well, because the food was so extremely hot I could not stop drinking. Guys, i drank literally 6 glasses of this horchata. SIX! and i was telling myself it was ok because i could just fill up on that, and i had to because my mouth was so on fire! So i finally finished my meal and i was so stuffed I swear i couldn't talk or it would all come back up. Well THEN they bring out ice cream! They gave us these big bowls of ice cream. All i'm gonna say is that it was a miracle that I ate it all. Seriously don't know how I did. I was so full for the next entire day!

But yeah, everything is going good so far. I love it!
          I got Taylor's package when I got here and my companion was dying because she thought it was so               cute. 
Well, I love you all!
Hermana Johnson :)

Thursday, May 15, 2014

05.15.2014 Pictures

My Companion Hermana Dodge, Me and Hermana Greenhaughl. She's going to Tempe, AZ too!

Awesome stone head.

Tempe Arizona

Wait? What? The Equator?

05.15.2014 Email

So this is my LAST week here in the CCM and I am dying! I am way excited to leave but for reals it is going to be so scary. It is also going to be really hard leaving my companion and all of my friends I made here, I already know I am gonna be cryin my eyes out. Last week went by so fast, and so has this week too, I can't believe it is already my pday. I leave in 4 days! It's so crazy! This week is also sad because we have to say bye to all of our investigators. I know that sounds stupid because like they aren't real, but it's weird how we have gotten to know them as an investigator. We already had our last lesson with Eduardo and it was awesome. For sure one of the best lessons we have ever taught. We basically just read the scriptures with him and both bore our testimonies because he's ''getting baptized'' in like 2 days. And at the end we asked him to bear his testimony and the spirit was SO strong. It was awesome. I'm really gonna miss teaching him. Last night we had TRC and we taught two investigators. It was so much fun. I was really nervous at first, but as we started teaching it was really great. The second girl we taught about the Book of Mormon and church, and we almost committed her to baptism. ALMOST. haha we were so proud of ourselves and then we found out that she was actually a member. And it for real ruined my whole entire day! I thought we actually had a real investigator! But i guess is was a good learning experience. I guess we were supposed to teach three investigators last night though, but me and my companion take so long teaching people! I don't even know why though, because i feel like we only take like 15 or 20 minutes, but apparently we take way long. It's seriously a problem.

So we had two earthquakes this week. TWO! One was in the middle of the night and I heard the loud sirens going off and I was so confused so I just went back to sleep haha. Then like 5 seconds later my bed was shaking so rapidly! and i was so annoyed because I thought it was my companion shaking our bunks. I seriously didn't realize until the morning that it was an earthquake. it was so crazy. the other one happened right after I finished emailing last week, we all had to run out to the panic circles again! I thought that one was bigger than the one we had a few weeks ago. There was water in the gutters from the rain and it was swishing around like crazy! But apparently it was smaller. I dunno, but it's just crazy that we have had three earthquakes in like four weeks! 

So this week was great because Mothers Day on Sunday! It was really great seeing you guys. And I just want to apologize now for basically crying through out the whole entire thing.. i had all this stuff I was planning on talking about and then as soon as we started talking I completely forgot what i was going to tell you guys. So lo siento! But i do get to email you guys again in a few days and in the airport. So I can talk to you guys then! Sunday, don't worry I did not have to say the opening prayer again in sacrament meeting, but i did have to give a 5 minute talk! i had to talk about Joseph Smith and the restoration. It was so nerve racking! My heart was seriously like beating out of my chest, but I did it completely in español! it was more like 3 1/2 minutes though, but still! I'm pretty proud of myself.

The devotionals on sunday were super great. We listened to Dallin H. Oaks talk and I don't know if it was just because it was right after skyping with our families, but everyone was super emotional. Well most people, not my companion though because of course she never cries. But it was a really great talk about missionary work. I also had to lead the music later that night when everyone met. it's super sad because every sunday night they have a presentation thing for all the districts leaving and then at the end everyone sings God Be With You 'Til We Meet Again and all the people leaving just cry because they are so sad. But after that, We had a little meeting with our district outside and we all just talked about what we liked from the devotionals and the movie. and soon it turned in to everyone crying and telling each other how much we love each other. Haha it was really funny. But yeah wow, Sunday was just a really emotional day. 

So lately a bunch of us go play sand volleyball during gym, and it is seriously so fun. Like the time goes by way fast, and it makes me sad that we only have a few more days playing and being with everyone! I really am going to miss it so bad guys. And not trying to brag or anything, but I have gotten really good at volleyball. Like really good. haha but something super sad/funny that happened this week was one time we were eating lunch and the windows were open, and a bird flew in and was flying around. and everyone kind of saw it and was watching it then it flew right into the window and died! Like it literally just smacked and fell to the floor. Seriously, funniest thing I have seen in forever. 

This week the Elders found a spider in their house. Okay if you get super grossed out by spiders then maybe skip over this part because it is seriously so gross. Like I basically died when I saw the pictures. they found it in their shower.. i know right? Like how would you like to be in that situation? They took a picture with one of their hands next to it and it was literally just a little bit smaller than the palm of his hand! So I'm like super terrified now to shower and sleep in my bed. It's horrible.

But our district is singing Come Unto Christ on Sunday night. You know the night where everyone cries? So yeah, wish us luck. But at first it was really bad and I was really worried that we would not get it down, but it is actually coming along pretty good now. I am actually really excited to sing it, it is going to be SO pretty. Especially since we are singing it in español, everything is so much prettier in español. But we have like our tryout things for it tomorrow, so today we are practicing it for like 4 hours to get it good. I hope that someway i can have someone record it so that you guys can hear it. It'll be awesome! 

So I know I leave in like 4 days, but I seriously am so worried that I do not know spanish well enough yet! I don't feel like I am prepared enough to leave! i have gotten a lot better at spanish and obviously i know a lot more now than i did when I got here, but right when i think I kind of have it we learn something new that just completely confuses my mind like crazy. I don't even know english very well, I just speak it ya know? And now I have to learn all this grammar with spanish and wow it's hard. Also, I was going to bear my testimony with you guys on skype on sunday too soo yeah sorry about that. I think I am getting spanish a little better than my companion though, she struggles a little but more than I do. But she is really good at hearing and understanding people speak spanish, which is what I am really bad at. So we just work really well together. She listens and I speak. haha most of the time in lessons I end up completely translating for her what to say. It's awesome. It's really weird to think that I can speak spanish though. Like sometimes I think about it and i'm just like wait what? Did i actually just teach a whole lesson en solo español?? 

Anyways, I love you all! An awesome scripture this week I found: Mathew 22:36-39
And an inspirational thought:
''Our only concern should be to do better than we did yesterday. Step by step is the law of growth. God does not expect the acorn to be a mighty oak before it has been a sapling.'' -George E. Carpenter
So basically, Just try your hardest to be better everyday. heavenly father can't ask for anything else from us if we are trying to be the best that can!
y en el nombre de Jesucristo, amen. :)

Love, Hermana Johnson

Thursday, May 8, 2014

05.08.2014 Email

hola familia y amigos!

So this week was especially great because I witnessed an awesome miracle on myself. So, I have been  fairly good at brushing my teeth I think. Like every night, most mornings when I have time. But, i still got a cavity! and my tooth hurt SO bad. I could only chew on one side of my mouth and even when I wasn't chewing, just closing my mouth hurt so bad. And every single day it just got worse and worse, my whole jaw was throbbing with pain. So i was so scared because, heck no i am not about to let some people in Mexico do anything to my mouth! So i was thinking, okay, I'll just wait until I get back to the states. But i was scared because it kept getting worse. And i was scared that I would have to get a root canal or something because i would let it go for so long when it already hurt so bad! then one night in my prayers I was just praying that it would go away so that I could concentrate or at least until I get to Arizona. AND the next day it was gone! Completely gone. I still haven't felt any pain since then. So brother and sisters, the church is true.

So our lessons are going ehh mas o menos.
-- With Eduardo they are like on a scale of 0 to 100 like 75% good. We have some awesome lessons and then some lessons we really struggle with. He's really far along though, he's committed to baptism and we have already taught him about half of lesson 4. It was really funny, when we were teaching him one time, I was trying to tell him that coffee is not good for us and he asked, "so are you a doctor?" and Hermana Dodge, before I could say anything, is like yeah! and starts flipping through her scriptures. I just sat there like uhh what.. and he was really confused too. It was super funny I guess she thought he asked if we had doctrine to back it up. Hahah.
-- Adrian, we've only had two lessons with him so far and neither of them have gone that great. Our last lesson with him we taught about the gospel of Jesus Christ and before we could even start teaching he asked us how we know that our church has the correct priesthood on the Earth and why he should be re baptized. We both sat there like deer in the headlights because clearly our brains were not working right.
--Abraham, is by far my favorite one to teach. We always do so good with him. Our last lesson we planned on teaching a couple of the commandments and when we got in there he just looked really sad so we started talking with him and found out he lost his job. I gave the prayer to start the lesson and it was seriously the best prayer in spanish that I have ever given. The spirit was already there so strong, when we sat up Abraham had tears in his eyes! it was awesome. So we asked if he was still reading his scriptures and praying though. and he said he was then he lost his job so he stopped because obviously it wasn't doing anything for him. Which good point. BUT we talked to him the whole time and the spirit was there SO strong. seriously best lesson we have ever taught, and we didn't even teach our planned lesson. We just shared personal experiences about how the scriptures and praying has gotten us through difficult times in our lives and how its important to not stop doing that stuff. And we were all getting choked up at one point, even our teacher(Abraham). Then after the lesson our teacher said how we did such an awesome job, we were able to bring the spirit and help him with his problems, he even said that he received personal revelation for himself during our lesson! It was really great. 

I guess I really do give awesome prayers in español though because they called me up on the spot again in sacrament meeting to give the prayer! Like really are you serious?!?  But it was a really good meeting. It was fast sunday so it was fast and testimony meeting, I was going to get up and bear my testimony but I was super nervous the whole time because it has to be in español and then we ran out of time.. so i feel bad about that, that i didn't just get up and bear it. Our devotional that day was by Elder Holland. So of course it was good. it actually was one of the best devotionals I have ever heard in my life. he talked about how this is the chosen dispensation and how this is the dispensation that will not fail. He said "We have to be the best missionaries the church has ever had." Also something else he said that I liked was, "No other church would put the future of their church in the hands of 18/19 year olds hands, except for the church of the true and living God."

Our tuesday devotional was also by Elder Holland. How exciting! And i think it was the best devotional I have ever heard. Holland is just a great speaker because he teaches with such power and he even started crying during this devotional when he was telling us how important it is to come home from our missions and to not ever fall away from the church. It was funny, he was saying how if we do fall away from the church when we get home, we would not want to meet him in a dark alley alone. He said he will do everything to us that the Lord will allow him to do. Haha and he also said how missionary work is REAL LIFE and there's no joking around, and if we aren't taking it seriously, then he will hunt us down and come scratching on our windows. But he said A LOT of good stuff too. He said, A disciple of Christ is some one who walks where he walks. He talked a lot about Preach my Gospel. He said how it is meant to convert the missionary and THEN convert the investigator. We have to be converted ourselves first before we can convert other people. This mission is going to be hard, but he said that this mission will make us be everything that we have ever wanted to be in this life. I really liked that. My favorite thing he said though was: "Why is missionary work so hard? Because it was never, ever, EVER easy for the living son, every step of his life was difficult." i just like that because it is such a great reminder. Elder Anderson.. i think? said something a lot like that once too. He said "Whenever you may ask yourself why this work is so hard remember that the salvation of man has never been easy." idk which one i like more. they're both great.

So yeah, not too much has really happened this week. Last night we were supposed to have TRC but again, no one showed up, so we taught each other. We kind of did splits with the other Hermanas in our district and just taught each other. And after that, me and my companion realized how much we like teaching with each other. Very humbling experience. 

It's weird, i love church music now! Not the hymns church music, but like people singing awesome songs church music. I don't know why but i just feel the spirit so much when I listen to them! Our district is singing in the devotional the last week we are here "Come Unto Christ" but not me because, hi, i can't sing to save my life. But it's a really pretty song I love it so much. also btw mom, i can't figure out how to get my ipod an speakers to work. Do i have a charger for either of them? It's super confusing. and I've never had an ipod shuffle so i don't even know how to tell if it's on. ahh. so frustrating. 

Yesterday in class we talked about how to teach people with the spirit and why it is important. I learned that we have to go spiritually where the investigator is before we can expect them to come spiritually where we are. I think a lot of times I forget that because i just think that one lesson and they will have a testimony, but it's important to keep that in mind, that you have to start at the bottom! Also, that teaching with the spirit means teaching with understanding. Which seriously is so true guys. I especially learned this when we taught that lesson with Abraham. Because we were able to understand him and his needs, even though we didn't teach the lesson we had planned, we understood him and were still able to teach him by our testimonies and just having the spirit there with us. We also need to see people with spiritual eyes. At first i was like, what does that mean? But then i was thinking about it and it means that we have to see people for who they are and not for how the world portrays them. We have to see them as children of God and as our siblings. That will help us be a lot better teachers!

 Some days are harder than others and some days go really well, but i found this quote thing in one of my books, "One of the lessons of a lifetime is that God knows far better what to do with us than we do, and to the extent that we yield our hearts unto him (Helaman 3:35, D&C 88:67-68) We realize our full potential in life and find great satisfaction and fulfillment in doing so."

My spanish is going alright, its kind of really confusing sometimes though.. apparently spanish has 3 past tenses... so awesome!!!  (not really)  But yeah, i realized that I know how to speak a lot about the gospel and nothing about everyday conversations.  So much to learn!!!

But I have this quote book that I read every night. There are SO many quotes that I am in love with, but the one that I am going to share with you is one of my faves.
"You have powers you never dreamed of. You can do things you never thought you could do. There are no limitations in what you can do except the limitations as to what you cannot do. Don't think you cannot, think you can."
So Yeah, just thought I'd leave you all with that inspirational thought:)
Love you all!
Hermana Johnson 

Monday, May 5, 2014

05.01.2014 Pictures

Last day with Elder Porter

Last day with Elder Sessions

Elder Sessions, me, Hermana Dodge and Elder Tanner

Awesome sunrise in the morning.

The temple

Hermana Greenhaughl, Hermana Dodge and me

Our district

Hermana Dodge and me

05.01.2014 Email

Seriously, I can't believe how well my spanish is coming along. I know i am nowhere close to fluent by any means, but it's crazy how much and how fast you can learn in just a few weeks with the Lords help!

 We have three investigators now, one of them, Eduardo, is so hard to teach. His wife and two kids are LDS and his wife is the Relief Society president. He noticed that they are always happy when they go to church, so he wants to be happy like them! you'd think this would be super easy to teach him, but he is SO stubborn. Our first lesson with him was really bad. When I gave the opening prayer I started to pray for him, but I couldn't remember his name so I just sat there for a good like 4 second then my companion had to whisper it to me. Then whenever we teach we really don't know 100% what the other person is saying because its still kind of hard to follow along with them, and in the lesson Hermana Dodge talked for awhile about the restoration, then looked at my to bear my testimony, but I thought she wanted me to teach the restoration, so i started teaching it again! She didn't know what to do, so she just sat there while i blabbered on and on about the exact same thing that she had just said. It was really funny but yeah.. not our best lesson. 

Last thursday night was a crazy night for our district. Our teacher and district leader had this huge long talk about how we as a district need to be better about being obedient and more diligent. By the end everyone was crying and everyone felt so bad that we were not as focused on missionary work as we should have been. I especially felt really bad because I knew I could be doing better, and for some reason I got really homesick for the first real time that day. I don't really know why, but I think it was just emailing everyone and stuff. Me and my companion walked outside after to go talk and I just started crying. Seriously so embarrassing. Then to make things worse Elder Christiensen and Elder Faas came over to talk to us. And hi, obviously I can't talk because I'm crying at the moment so.. I basically just cried. Lucky them! But ever since then for some reason, me and my companion are so emotional. We were standing in the hallway after one of our lessons one time just talking, and we both started crying because we saw this picture on the wall of Christ being resurrected! It was awful, who just breaks out in tears??

But me and Hermana Dodge decided that we were going to be better about being obedient. Friday was our first day and it was one of the best days! Not exactly sure why, but we both just felt so good the whole day. We also taught Abraham that day. It went pretty good, he accepted to baptism and agreed to go to church with us, the spirit was definitely there. But because he's our teacher he gave us feedback after and he told us that we need to stop reading our notecards as much as we do because it takes away from our message and the spirit. So we were way terrified of teaching again because we are like what are you serious we don't even know enough to teach a lesson in english, let alone spanish! So we have been practicing a lot at teaching lessons in Spanish, and hopefully we are getting there.

Sunday was a sad day because it was the older district in our zone's last Sunday. In sacrament meeting they called on me to come up and give the opening prayer, on the spot! They usually give you a heads up so you can kind of prepare, but nope, I had to go up right then. And I wasn't even paying attention because when people just talk in español really fast you just stop listening you know? Then i hear my name and i'm like wait what? But, according to everyone else, i nailed it. So that's all i'm gonna say about that. But besides that it was a really good Sunday. The devotional that night was the President of the MTC, Presidente Cates. At first I thought it was going to be really boring, but it was WAY good. He is also pretty young which probably helps(he and his family actually live here at the CCM and his kids are so cute! They're like half mexican babies) But he talked mostly about not giving up on our missions and always trying our hardest. Something he said that I liked was: "Stick to your work until it sticks to you." Really liked that.

 Also, funny story that night when we were in the auditorium to watch a movie, my companion speaks fluently in ASL (American Sign Language)  so she teaches me some cool stuff, but she was trying to teach me how to say JK and I thought I had it so i yelled to Elder Christensen to look at me so i could show him and I completely *accidently* flipped him off and everybody that turned to look at me. So awesome. It was like the worst thing that everyone here has seen for like 4 weeks. Also, i had my very first super blonde moment on my mission. When we walked out of sacrament there is a big map of the world you know that everyone and their mom takes a picture with pointing to where they're going, and we walked over to it to look. Everyone is showing where they're going and i walk up and I point to the equator and said,  "look here's where you're going!" to my comp and she's said "no.. this is where I'm going" and points to Ecuador (which btw is right by the equator) and so THEN as if I haven't been blonde enough already, I make the stupidest comment of my life and say, "Oh so there's two Ecuadors?" My life is over and nobody will stop giving me crap about it.
MONDAY. Our district left! It was actually a really sad day. I know I was not that close with Haden, but it was really nice having a familiar face here! Me and my companion also became pretty good friends with these two Elders, Elder John and Elder Favila, who also left on Monday. They were both obsessed with my strawberry hand sanitizer that Kelsey East gave me. So on monday we played a ping pong game and if they won then they got to keep my hand sanitizer. and they won, so I had to give them my strawberry hand sanitizer AND my fruit punch hand sanitizer which was my favorite of all time. So i'm pretty upset right now I guess you could say. But.. Yeah, it's weird being the oldest district in our zone now! And confession: Not gonna lie, I did almost start crying when I said bye to Haden. I thought the day would never come haha. But he was crying and wow it was just really sad.
Tuesday was a great day because, YAY!!  American Tuesday. and Pizza! The food this week was really lame so it was such a relief to have pizza. I don't think i have ever appreciated pizza so much in my life! Tuesday night our devotional was by Elder Christofferson, also good. He talked a lot about trust. We need to trust in the Lord and his will, which is hard sometimes. But he also asked the question, Are you someone the Lord can trust? and that question hit me so hard. Can the Lord really trust me to be out here on a mission and be representing him? So i am going to try as hard as I can to be a good representative of him and be someone he can trust always.

We also taught two of our investigators Adrian, and Eduardo. That went good as well. We Adrian asked to be baptized and he said he would pray about it to know for sure that the priesthood was on the earth. so that's good! Also, in that lesson when he agreed to baptism I wan't to just yell, YES! that is so great! or excellent! or something more than just muy bien! so I said, "oh thats awesome-o!"   Yep, i definitely said that, and no one said anything after, my companion was trying not to laugh. It was awful. So yeah, I need to learn some more vocab words in that area.

Also, funny story. Hermana Voyles told us that pueblo meant people, literally the first week we were her. So since then, we all have been using it. I just found out that pueblo does not mean people, it is a place in Mexico. AWESOME, thank you Hermana Voyles.

With Eduardo, we planned on teaching lesson 3, but then he kept asking questions about if his family can be together forever. So we had to teach lesson 2. It was really hard because neither of us were prepared to teach that lesson, but I think it went okay, at least for not having prepared at all for it! And later that day Hermano Sanchez (language teacher who is also Eduardo) told me that my Spanish was doing really well. He said he could tell that I was able to understand him on the lesson, and i could talk back to him. He was VERY impressed. So good day, good day. 

Tuesday night me and Hermana Dodge decided that we were going to fast Wednesday to have the spirit with us more because we felt like we were lacking in that part. So Wednesday we fasted in the morning and it was kind of hard at first, but we taught Eduardo again. It was seriously the best lesson I have taught so far! He had already agreed to baptism but in the lesson before he said he wasn't really sure what baptism was, so we taught him lesson 3 and focused a lot on baptism. We took our notes in there with us, but I neither of us used our books or our notes! I did maybe once, but still! It was awesome. I can't even describe to you guys how cool it is to teach by the spirit and to be able to speak a different language! I have only been here for three weeks and I taught the whole lesson in Spanish. While I was bearing my testimony on baptism and the holy ghost, our teacher started getting teary eyed! It was awesome and now he said he can't wait to get baptized. There was one oops,  in that same lesson I gave him a scripture to read and I gave him the wrong one! I couldn't really tell because I had my Spanish scriptures with me, but then I realized and had him read the right one. It was really funny.

 Later last night, we had TRC again, and this time we had an investigator to teach! It was super scary because they are actually people, not just our teachers, and they don't speak ANY English. The lady we taught was already a member, she just needed help getting answers to her prayers. She talked so extremely fast that I was having the hardest time ever understanding her. But my companion rocked it, she understood everything she said! Then she shared a scripture on the holy ghost and I didn't know what else to do so I just bore my testimony that I have on the holy ghost and how it helps my prayers get answered. And she said that that was exactly what was missing, the holy ghost! I of course I did not know this until later, when my companion told me what actually happened during the lesson, haha. But there was this one time towards the end when she was talking about how she felt, and she went on for like 2 minutes straight just talking, I was so completely lost that I was praying that she would not stop talking because when she did I would have no idea what to say back. Learning a foreign language is so crazy!!

And the best part of this whole week, was we got to go to the temple this morning! It was SO cool. We couldn't go in because it is getting remodeled, so we just got to go to the visitors center. It was a really cool experience. We watched this movie about families and it was really sad, everyone cried. It made me really excited to have my own family for eternity some day! I got this super cool ring there too, it's these cool symbols, and it means charity never faileth. I love it. It was really weird being out of the MTC though, the last time we weren't in the MTC we were just getting to Mexico! The driver on our bus drove us around Mexico City a little bit, and it was so crazy! It's weird how different people here live. Also, i thought I was going to die driving through the streets. Cars drive so fast and so close to each other! And I'm pretty sure there are no laws in Mexico, because we were driving in the left lane and then there was a bus in the right lane right next to us and then it  just left turned in front of us and flipped a U-y.  I'm thinking, "Hey, I'm here on a mission and I would really appreciate not dying today". And cars drive so freaking close to each other. Anyways, super crazy. But yeah, so today has been a good day so far! I'm really happy I get a long with my companion. There has been a little bit of drama in our district the last couple of days, and wow, I don't think I can express how happy I am that me and my companion like each other. Also, the other day we were walking down the street and I was singing because I sing all the time and my companion told me she loved it when I sang! Yes, you read that right, she loves it! So at least someone appreciates my angelic like voice!  

This week in gym was really fun. We mostly play basketball the whole time, and this one time Hermana Dodge tried to make a half court shot and she completely missed and hit some guy on a bike ahahahahha it was the funniest thing of my life! I also won in a ping pong game against this kid named Elder Fisiasi or something. I completely spelled that wrong. But yeah, I felt pretty proud of myself. They have these water dispenser things you know with the big jugs and you put a cup under them to fill them up? Well one time we both forgot to bring our water bottles and usually when I forget I just kneel down and stick my mouth under it, so this time Hermana Dodge did it cause she was dying of thirst. And as soon as she did this guy came out and got all mad at her. it was so funny! She was mad at me because I was supposed to watch her back. Hahaha.

So remember how I said Elder Yoni ripped his suit? Well first off his name is Elder Yson.. so yeah oops. And last week the president took him in to town to get a new suit and this week he ripped his new suit again! Like who even rips suits in the first place? Seriously, it is so funny. Also, yesterday our district was playing that signs game, and I got caught so I had to go in the middle. And we were playing where when you get caught you have to say a sentence in spanish. So I said, "I have been praying daily." (in spanish of course) And then they said, "okay close your eyes, so that they could choose someone to start". And I don't know why but I think it was because I just was talking about praying so when they told me to close my eyes, I folded my arms and started praying! It was so funny/embarrassing at the same time!

But yeah, Mexico is going pretty dang good. The air still smells awful sometimes, there are awesome sunrises though. It still pours every single day. EVERY single day. and its always when we are in gym, so we have to walk home in the pouring rain. I guess you could say I've pretty much given up on getting ready anymore. We got 54 more missionaries in these week! And within the next 3 weeks, we are going to have about 400 new missionaries here!

But anyways, this is literally a conversation me and my companion had this week:
 Me: "I lOVE it when people tickle my arms and my neck and my face."
 Her: "Ew i hate it when people touch me."
Me:"So then can you tickle my back PLEASE?"
Her: "No are you serious why would you ever think that?"
You see how hard my life is?!?
Well anyways, I think that's about all that happened this week. Adios!

Hermana Johnson